Dr. Sarfraz Ahmad, MD, Radiology
Dr. Sarfraz Ahmad, MD, Radiology, worked at All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), New Delhi in past. He moved to Sanjay Gandhi PGI, Lucknow, in 2019 for further work and studies in Radiology. He completed his graduation from Jawahar Lal Nehru College of Medical Sciences, Aligarh, and currently works in the Radiology Department of SGPGI, Lucknow.
Dr. Sarfraz is interested in applying cutting edge technology solutions for the diagnosis and management of diseases and health conditions prevalent in Indian society. He joined DiseaseFix to live his dream of being a health advocate and create mass-level awareness in society about health problems. He writes for DiseaseFix and also conducts peer reviews as part of our Content Review Team.
Articles by Dr. Sarfraz Ahmad, MD, Radiology
Radiation risk is a well-established fact in science that is generally known to the common public as one of the...
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