Browsing: Cervical Cancer

Comprehensive Information, Resources, and Support on Cervical Cancer

Preventing Cervical Cancer in Women

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) issued guidelines on screening for cervical cancer among women in 2016. Cervical cancer one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths among women throughout the world. The guideline provides evidence-based recommendations for primary screening, follow-up after positive testing results, and for the treatment of cervical pre-cancers.

Abdominal pain and spotting

A cervical biopsy is a diagnostic procedure to detect and evaluate cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix). It involves removal of tissue from the cervix to test for abnormal or precancerous changes, or cervical cancer. Cervix is the lower, narrow part of the uterus in women.

Living with cervical cancer can be a life-changing experience. Many changes may occur, such as attitudes change, priority change, change in perspective towards life, etc. Some women affected by cervical cancer can no longer have children or may face other health issues. Cancer survivors have to look for different ways to cope with the after-effects of cancer.

How Do You Get Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is caused due to various factors including DNA mutations, gene defects, and infection by HPV. HPV has greater chances of causing cancers of the cervix as well as cancers of the penis in men. Infection by HPV can also lead to cancers of the mouth, throat, and anus in both men and women.

Cervical cancer is not hereditary, but there are chances of cervical cancer to run in some families. Almost 95% of its cases are due to persistent infections by the HPV virus. About four out of five sexually active women (about 75 to 80%) can be infected with some type of HPV throughout their lives. But, it is not mandatory that all these women will acquire cervical cancer.