Browsing: Thalassemia

Comprehensive Information, Resources, and Support on Thalassemia

Genetic Testing for Thalassemia

People carrying a genetic trait for thalassemia do not suffer from major problems except mild anemia. A person can have either alpha thalassemia trait or beta thalassemia trait depending upon which unit (alpha or beta) of hemoglobin is affected. People suffering from thalassemia often suffer from a variety of ailments. Since thalassemia traits don’t present major symptoms, such people should consult their physicians to know their ailments’ exact cause.

Understanding Thalassemia Trait

People who have thalassemia trait (also called thalassemia minor) carry the genetic trait for thalassemia but do not suffer from any health problems except a mild anemia. A person may have either alpha thalassemia trait or beta thalassemia trait, depending upon which form of beta protein is absent.