Browsing: Breast Cancer

Comprehensive Information, Resources, and Support on  Breast Cancer

Causes of Breast Cancer

When your doctor tells that you have breast cancer, the natural reaction is that you wonder what would have caused the disease. No one knows what the exact cause is. Doctors don’t know why one woman gets breast cancer while other does not. He or she cannot point to a particular confirmed cause. We only know that it is caused due to the damage to a cell’s DNA.

What is Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a malignant tumour that develops in the cells of the breasts. These cells may form a tumor that can be detected on an x-ray or found as a lump. These may start as small lumps but may grow overtime and begin to invade nearby tissues and organs.

Invasive Breast Cancer

Invasive breast cancer extends from the lining of the milk ducts to the surrounding tissues of the breast, the nearby lymph nodes, and even farther locations. Breast cancer starts from the infected cells present within the milk ducts or lobules. These cells bulge out into the surrounding breast tissues and develop into tumors. These cells also travel to distant parts of the body through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system.

Recent Advances in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Recent advances in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment include new and effective methods to allow easy and faster diagnosis of breast cancer. These methods can be non-invasive and have higher sensitivity for detecting the condition. They have developed new imaging test which helps the doctor identify breast cancer, even by evaluating certain minute changes in your breast.

Breast Cancer Surgery

Most women with breast cancer have to go under some surgery as a part of their treatment process. There are different types of breast cancer removal surgery, depending on the different reasons and situations. Recovery time after breast cancer surgery varies from patient to patient and depends on the type and extent of surgery you had and personal circumstances prevailing at that time.

Breast Self Exam (BSE)

A breast self-exam is a screening technique that a woman can use for inspection of her breasts on her own. You can perform it at home to check for breast lumps. A breast self-exam can help you to screen for tumors, cysts and other abnormalities in your breasts.

Hormone Therapy for Breast Cancer

Hormone therapy for breast cancer is often recommended as adjuvant therapy after surgical procedures to reduce any chance of cancer from coming back. In cases, if adjuvant therapy is given before surgery, then it is known as neo-adjuvant therapy. Hormone therapy helps treat recurrent breast cancer or cancer that has metastasized to distant parts of the body.