According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and the eighth most common cancer in women.
According to reports, 38,000 cases of bladder cancer were diagnosed in men and 15,000 in women in the United States in 2003.
Can bladder cancer be cured?
Often you would hear such questions – is there a cure for blood cancer? Can you live with a bladder cancer? Can you die from bladder cancer and how fast it spreads? And so on. The answer to these questions is not easy.
The earlier a bladder cancer is diagnosed in a patient, the better the chance for a cure. If the bladder cancer is identified and treated early, it can be cured nearly 98 percent of the time for the five year survival rate.
But the longer it remains unidentified and untreated, the lesser are the chances for a cure. Only 15 percent of those with advanced bladder cancer can expect to survive for about five years. Treatment is most successful when it is caught early.
Read about life expectancy and survival rates for bladder cancer.
Statistics of death due to bladder cancer (mortality statistics)
The rates of new bladder cancers and of bladder cancer deaths have slightly decreased in women in the recent years. In men, new cancer rates have been decreasing slightly and the death rates have been more or less stable, according to reports from the American Cancer Society.
- In the UK, there were about 5369 deaths from the bladder cancer, in 2014
- In the UK, 3% of the total cancer deaths were attributed to bladder cancer, in 2014
- Bladder cancer mortality rates have decreased by 21% since the early 90s in the UK
- In the US, estimated deaths in 2017 due to bladder cancer were 16,870
- Bladder cancer represents about 4.7% of all new cancer cases in the U.S.
- Bladder cancer is the 9thleading cause of cancer death in the United States. The number of deaths was about 4.4 for every 100,000 men and women per year based on 2010-2014 data.
Who dies from bladder cancer?
The statistics (2010-2014) for the deaths in the U.S. are as follows (according to data from cancer.gov):
- Among all races, the number of male deaths for every 100,000 was 7.6
- Among all races, the number of female deaths for every 100,000 was 2.2
- Among White Americans, the number of male deaths for every 100,000 was 8.1
- Among White Americans, the number of female deaths for every 100,000 was 2.2
- Among Black Americans, the number of male deaths for every 100,000 was 5.4
- Among Black Americans, the number of female deaths for every 100,000 was 2.5
- The percent of bladder cancer deaths is highest among people with age group 75-84
Surviving bladder cancer
Your future with bladder cancer is not certain. What is most important is hope. We must understand, life is always like that! You must remain as positive as you can through the stage.
You need to understand that the diagnosis of your bladder cancer will change your life. The treatment and life after will involve psychological, emotional, social, health and financial concerns like cancer patient has to go through. You need to learn how to cope with them from time to time. Thin can though be extremely tough but you need to remain positive and hopeful.
In order to increase the survival chances, you need to focus on improving your quality of life and deal with physical and emotional issues such as pain, depression etc